Monday, March 11 3:30pm Practice
Brief Team Mtg, Team warm
up to track & dynamics, break into workout groups, lift/core.
Tuesday, March 12 3:30pm Practice
Team warm up to track
& dynamics, workout groups, hurdle mobility, Dingee to help distribute
uniforms...must be on roster to get uniform!
Wednesday, March 13
3:30pm Practice
Team warm up to track & dynamics, break into workout groups,
Coach Beaver to work with
7:00pm Track Parent and Athlete Mtg (expecting
to last 30-45 min), Review team policies, Varsity lettering, etc. Parent
sign up for home meets
Thursday, March 14
3:30pm Practice
Team warm up to track & dynamics, workout groups, hurdle mobility
(if time)
5:00pm Track Pictures wear jerseys, throwers wear
jackets, coaches wear black pants with red polos from last year.
Friday, March 15
3:30pm Practice
Team warm up to track & dynamics, break into workout groups,
Coach Beaver to work with
Team Meeting Agenda
1. Introduce Coaching Staff
2. Expectations
a. Communicate: Communicate with event coach and Coach G...ahead of time. Do not bombard coaches at beginning of practice unless it is an emergency.
b. Trust: Trust your teammates and your coaches!
c. Care: Your actions will show whether or not you care. Practice and compete like you care!
d. Commit: miss, you may not compete and will be removed from team. You signed up for track, make it a priority!
3. Injuries
a. if you can't do workouts, don't expect to compete in meet.
b. Keep going to Tom until HE tells you to stop seeing him and keep coaches updated. Pay attention to what he says!
4. Practices
a. Monday-Friday 3:30-5:30. Meet in athletic hallway until further notice.
b. We will practice during Spring Break (9-Noon??...time TBA but keep this time frame open for now)
c. Bring layers of clothes…we will be inside and outside…dress for weather!
5. Website:
a. Sign up for team TODAY!
b. Log absences/tardy AHEAD of time....however this doesn't mean it is excused.
c. Check the website or ask a teammate before you text Coach G!
d. Sign up for email notices of things posted on blog.