Monday, May 11, 2015

Parent Volunteers Needed for SWC Meet

Thank you to all of those who volunteered and helped with the Bees Invite!  WOW!!  What a great day and we could not have done it without parent support!  All profits from Saturday will go directly to the boys/girls track account.  The profit from the Bees Invite comes to..... $4,163.79!!  We will need to subtract fees for 2 officials and 4 trophy awards (that should be less than $400 total!).  So the track program earned over $3500 from Saturday!! 

Now....we need to get ready for SWC this week.

Volunteers can sign up here or send Coach Kieser an email (  Parents volunteers are needed for the following:

Field Events 4:00-6:00  (shot put, discus, long jump, high jump, pole vault)
Finish Line   4:30-6:30
Concessions  4:00-6:30  (really need someone who will be in charge too...I will purchase food/supplies)
T-shirt Sales   4:00-6:15

Field Events 4:00-6:00  (shot put, discus, long jump, high jump, pole vault)
Finish Line   5:00 -8:30
Concessions  4:00-8:30  (really need someone who will be in charge too...I will purchase food/supplies)
T-shirt Sales   4:00-8:00

Link to sign up to volunteer: