Monday, December 10, 2012

Winter Break Practices

Due to Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve falling on Mondays, we will have optional practices on Wed/Fri the week of Christmas from 9:00-10:30.  Coach G will NOT be there but an assistant coach will be.  There is no guarantee we can get into the school so bring warm clothes!  There is no practice on New Year's Eve.  We will practice Wed/Fri the week of NYE instead and since you are back to school, practice is back to 3:30-5:00.

Practices are as follows:

Mon, Dec 24th   NO PRACTICE
Wed, Dec. 26th  Optional practice 9:00-11:30
Fri,    Dec. 28th  Optional practice 9:00-11:30
*Coach G is out of town this week.  I will not have email or phone access.  Text or call a teammate.

Mon, Jan 1st       NO PRACTICE

Wed, Jan 2nd     Practice 3:30-5:00
Fri,    Jan 4th      Practice 3:30-5:00

Monday, Jan 7th Practice returns to the normal Monday & Wednesdays 3:30-5:00.