Monday, May 14, 2018

Track & Field End of Year Banquet

Tuesday May 22nd 7pm - 8pm

Please plan on attending the High School Spring Sports Awards night 

in the Auditorium for the large group presentations for all spring sports. 

Tuesday May 29th at 6pm

Track and Field Awards Banquet at the Stadium Pavilion 

*seating is limited, lawn chairs are encouraged 

Please join us as we celebrate the 2018 Track & Field Season. Pasta & Pizza will be provided. We are asking freshman - junior families to bring a dish to share. 
Freshman - desserts
Sophomore - side dishes
Junior - drinks, paper products 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Meet Schedule Change!

The dual meets against 

Cuyahoga Falls and Nordonia have been moved to 

Saturday, April 21st. 

This meet will be at Nordonia.
Field Events will start at 11am.
All athletes will be competing in this Double Dual Meet!!!! 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Strongsville Saturday 3/24

Saturday, March 24, 2018
Field Events Start @ 10:00am
Running Events Start @ 11:30
Bus Leaves from the track @ 8:30am

Admission: Adults: $5.00 Students: $3.00 Under 10 years old: Free Concessions: There will be a concession stand open. We will also be selling meet T- shirts

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Thursday March 8th!!!!

Thursday March 8th is a very busy day!!! Please see below for all of the activities that will be happening 

Track Team Pictures

Team Pictures will take place during practice time.
Everyone needs to have solid black shorts for pictures.
Girls, you have the choice of running shorts or spandex.
Order forms will be handed out Wednesday at practice. 

Parent & Athlete Team Meeting 5:30 - 6:00pm 

We will have a meeting to discuss the track season, expectations, schedule, and volunteer opportunities. We ask that each athlete have a parent attend with them. 

Make Up Meet the Bees 6:00 - 6:30

If you have not attended a Meet the Bees meeting yet this year, you MUST attend this meeting. 

SHOE NIGHT 6:00 - 8:00pm 

Fleet Feet in Northfield is hosting a shoe night for our team. This is an opportunity to get a discount on shoes, and to also be fitted properly.  Running flats, spikes and throwing shoes will all be available for purchase of order. 

Fleet Feet Sports Northfield 
114 E Aurora Rd #200, Northfield, OH 44067

If you can not make shoe night, Fleet Feet will usually extend the discount for a short time. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Outdoor Season is Here!

Outdoor Track Season is here!

Practice starts today, Monday - Friday 3:00 - 5:30.

Plan on being outside. Be prepared for cold weather, rain and snow!

Final forms needs to be completed and a valid physical needs to be on file.

Final Forms

Physical Form 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Indoor Track

The Indoor season has started. If you are not competing in a Winter Sport, you should attend Indoor practice. 

This will help to prepare you for the Outdoor Season!!!

Tuesday and Thursday 3:00 - 5:00pm - meet in the athletic hallway

Optional morning lifting Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 - 6:45am - dates are listed below:
February Dates TBA