Sunday, May 14, 2017

Easter Seals Fundraiser!

Bees Track & Field Clothing Drive

We have partnered with Easter Seals to host a Spring Clothing Drive

1. Clean out your closets and bring old clothes and cloth items to donate, and spread the word to others! 

2. Sign up to work the truck! Sign up to work the truck with the sign-up genuis below! 

Easter Seals Volunteer Sign-up! 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Post Season Schedule!!!!

Post Season Schedule
5-May Practice
6-May Woodridge Wrap Up Invitational
7-May Off
8-May JV Meet @ Woodridge, Varsity Practice
9-May Suburban League Conference Meet @ Nordonia
10-May Practice
11-May Suburban League Conference Meet @ Nordonia
12-May Practice
13-May Practice
14-May Off
15-May Practice
16-May Practice
17-May Districts @ Nordonia
18-May Practice 
19-May Districts @ Nordonia
20-May Off
21-May Off
22-May Practice 
23-May Practice
24-May Regionals @ Austintown Fitch
25-May Practice 
26-May Regionals @ Austintown Fitch
27-May Off
28-May Practice
29-May Practice
30-May Practice
31-May Practice
1-Jun Practice
2-Jun State Meet
3-Jun State Meet