Sunday, December 7, 2014


If you missed Friday's meeting, you can find all of the info here.  If you have any questions talk to an upperclassman on the team or contact Coach Kieser.

Handout is here.

Winter Workouts are here.  (page 1-2 are for sprinters, page 2-3 are for distance runners)

Things you need to do before Jan 6th:
a.     Signup for team online here.  Good idea to sign up for Remind (Beest) so you get team announcements.  Click here to go to the Remind Sign Up Page.                                    or  text message to: 81010    send the message:  @beest

b.     Parent email list our Booster Contact Parent can share info with your parents and also get volunteers for our team events.  

c.      Sign up for at least one date to volunteer for concession stand.  Sign up here.

d.     $5 team donation towards team basket for BAB March Madness fundraiser.....give to Hannah Sekerak or Sarah Schlabig or bring on Jan 6th.

e.     Forms completed:
                                               i.     Current physical (good for 365 days)
                                              ii.     Drug & Alcohol Policy (1 per school year)
                                            iii.     Pay to Play (must turn in for every sport)....not due until March 9th.
                                            iv.     Concussion Form (turn in for every sport)
                                              v.     Permission for Treatment (turn in for every sport)

 INDOOR....begins Jan 6th
a.     PRACTICES  Tuesday/Thursday:  3:30-5:00 @ High School
b.     MEETS: 
Sat, Feb 1st      Oberlin College #2  (Estimated 8:00-4:00)
Sun, Feb 15th  Oberlin College #3 (Estimated 8:00-4:00)
Fri, March 6th  Independence (Arrive 4:30 Athletes must stay until 8:00)
Sat, March 7th Indoor State Meet (MUST QUALIFY)